Supra Migration
MigrationWare has a great deal of experience helping clients migrate from legacy database platforms to modern RDBMS platforms.
Key facts
- Minimize the impact to the application programs
- Maximize the performance of the RDBMS platform
- Do not encumber the database design with limitations associated with the legacy DBMS platform
- Provide a database environment that will be a solid foundation for future enhancements
- Reengineering
MigrationWare’s approach allows the rehosted database design to be reengineered to take full advantage of the powerful facilities provided by the RDBMS platform. Limitations associated with the legacy environment are not carried forward.
- Transparency Layer
Like the Transparency Layer, MigrationWare’s hybrid approach has minimal impact on the application programs. The existing database calls are redirected to MigrationWare’s infrastructure layers. Results of the call are returned to the application program as if the legacy database was still the DBMS.
- Call-For-Call Substitution
Like the Call-for-Call Substitution, the MigrationWare approach replaces the original database calls with functionally equivalent SQL statements. It also includes program logic to translate/transform data and status codes back to the values expected by the application program. In most migration scenarios the major difference is that, instead of embedding this code into the application programs, this code is implemented as reusable components that are managed by the infrastructure and shared across all applications. This eliminates the redundancy issues associated with typical Call-for-Call Substitution schemes.